L'Arrogante : le naufrage à La Capte

First sinking in 1879

The shipwreck narrative:
19 March 1879, the Arrogante boat marine cannoniers school is surprised by a gust of wind is anchored in the Badine. Despite signals of distress to surrounding ships it fails; die 47 crew members drowned despite rescue and the brave ofArbanais.
arrogante prospection  hyeres

The Arrogante

arrogante prospection hyeres

During the sinking of Arrogante

The rescue

l'arrogante prospection à hyeresArbanais with assitance to the survivors.

The lift

The Arrogante is lifting by means of pumping and divers.

The Arrogante today

arrogante rue à la capteToday, there is little evidence of this tragedy: a plaque in the streets of La Capte, some information in the newspapers of the era and in the archives.

The  Arrogante 

l'arrogante prospection archeologique monumentLe monument aux morts se trouvant au cimetière de Giens.

The Arrogant in figures

Plans: Lemoine
The hull nature: railway
Total length: 44 meters
Overall width: 13.7 meters
Average draught 17.5 meters
Displacement: 1360 tonnes
Heating surface: 232 sqm
Power of the machine: 491 ch
Propellers: 2 propeller diameter 1.9 meters
Speed: 6.75 knot
Wing: 237 sqm
Thick shield: 1 cm to 12 cm
Armament: parts of size 16 and 19
Cost: 1 150,000 en
Crews: 190 men
Number of unit: 3
plan archeologie arrogante

Near the la Badine

l'arrogante prospection à hyeres plaqueAt a campaign of underwater archaeological survey called "the Badine" members AREVPAM found items such as an iron plate with rivets and two anchors. However it was not possible to determine whether the remains came from the wreck, despite a consistent time.

Second sinking

In September 1898, towed to sea by the Useful to serve as a target, the dark Arrogant off Toulon, probably after suffering deep shots to drive to several Navy ships: Jauréguiberry the Brennus .....
prospection subaquatique une ancre

One of two anchors found in prospection area. Photo C.Chary

tableau batterie flottante

Ship steam and sail


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